a print publication • since 2012 • Chicago, IL
To receive the Moomers Journal at your house, enter your mailing address into this form.
The Moomers Journal accepts essays, fiction, drawings, photos, screeds, maps, infographics, recipes, reviews, or whatever else you care to send.
As of 2025 we are currently accepting submissions/pitches for the BODY issue.
Please email all questions, pitches, and/or completed submissions to editors@moomers.org; all submissions are on a rolling basis.
Who is Auntie Moomers? They are a mysterious entity who will, in the next Moomers Journal, give you advice on any topic. Your questions are anonymous! Ask Auntie
Subscribe to the low-traffic journal@moomers.org below for themes, calls for submissions, and general information.
All subscriptions are pay-what-it’s-worth;
it costs about $6 to
print and mail each copy.
The best way to help us financially is by supporting us on Patreon.
We also accept PayPal and Venmo. If you’d like to use another payment method, please contact us.